Sistema portátil inalámbrico de comunicación para personas sordociegas: E-braille
Thanks to the ttnenctel support of Motorola, three Electronic Engineering students developed for their Degree Project a Wireless communicetion system that eases the eommunieation and text reeding to people who suffer of deafblindness. This is a disebtlity generated as a eonsequenee of several faetors and affeets simultaneously and in some degree the normal tunctioning ofthe senses oibcertng and síght. Because ofthís, these people have great dífficulty communiceting with others. They generally need an interpreter, who helps them to communícate through tact, by dírect physícal contact. The Wirelessand Portable Communícatíon System for Deatblind People, e-Breille, descríbed here, offers some specíal features such asportabílíty, easy of use; besídes it allows communícation between two people shering just one device. or wireless communícatíon between two people using two ídentical devices, and tinelly ít offers the posstbtlity of reeding dígítalízed text stored in tbis system.
HAYKIN, S. (1994), Communication Systems, New York, John Wiley and Sons.
TAMAYO, M. L. (1995), Aspectos familiares y psicosociales en pacientes sordo-ciegos, en Universitas Medicas, No. 36(1).
TAMAYO, M. L. (1996), Manual de genética de la retinitis pigmentosa y el síndrome de Usher, Instituto Nacional para Ciegos.
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