Comercio electrónico y modelos de desarrollo de soluciones
We oifer the results of a researeh projeet developed in the Systems Engineering Department of the Pontificía Universidad Javeriana. By studying the different aspeets ofbusiness to consumer (B2C) e-eommerce, a technical evaluation of models was deeided. Models are defined as the set of teehnological software tools that are needed to develop an e-commerce solution. The evaluation is supported by defined eriteria based on what is expeetedfrom a service ofthis kind. Here we present the results of this study so that they ean be used as a guide that helps people to seleet an appropriate modelfor the implementation of a B2C e-eommerce service.
E-comm Partners. E-commerce. En: htm.
García, D. y F. Ortiz (2001), Evaluación de herramientas y modelos para el desarrollo de comercio electrónico. Trabajo de grado en Ingeniería de sistemas. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá.
IBM Corporation, IBM WebSphere software plaiformfor e-business, en /link-sw.
IBMCorporation, IBMSoftware,
Microsoft Corporation. Commerce Server 2000, en com/commerce
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