Dinámica y fomento del aprendizaje organizacional mediante el uso del Balanced Scorecard
This paper presents the results of a research project on the construction of a generic model of the Balanced Scorecard. The main objective of the model was to encourage organizational learníng in the users organizations. Such a model was built from a set of well defined criteria and using the theory and methodology of systems dynamics. Results of the model applied in three different organízatíons are shown.
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Sin autor. El Balanced Scorecard en la planificación estratégica. En: http://www.geocities.com. /WallStreet/Floor /9269 /bsc l.html. Fecha de consulta: 1998.
How to Cite
Chaparro-López, C., González, R. A., Rivera-Cruz, P. A. ., & Reyes-Castro, Óscar A. (2000). Dinámica y fomento del aprendizaje organizacional mediante el uso del Balanced Scorecard. Ingeniería Y Universidad, 4(2), 65–73. Retrieved from https://revistas.javeriana.edu.co/index.php/iyu/article/view/34034
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