Published Dec 28, 2000

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Iván Rafael Berdugo De Moya, BSc



Deterministic and probabilistic approaches of the model of limit states of a geotechnical design of foundations are presented. Process to determine partial security factors of design by means of probabilistic criteria of levels I - explicit and level II is shown. Byvirtue of a study case lA and 2 limit state, it is demonstrated that probabilistic approach of the model of limit states causes mathematically consistent design checks but not due to this, with physical interpretation.

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How to Cite
Berdugo De Moya, I. R. (2000). Aplicación de criterios probabilísticos de niveles I - explícito y II en la estructuración del modelo de estados límites de diseño geotécnico de cimentaciones. Ingenieria Y Universidad, 4(1), 7–27. Retrieved from