Determinación de la capacidad de carga axial característica en el análisis del estado límite de falla la de pilotes
The anide describes the procedure for assessing the characteristic axialload required for analyzing the failure limit state lA ofpiles. The análisis is made under monotonic compression load conditions. Data for analysis are modeled under tioo statistical hypotheses; their effects on the characteristic axial load value are shown. A design example is used to compare total deterministic safety factors with global probabilistic safety factors.
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SIMPSON, B.,THOMPSON, R. ,FINDLAY, J., BOLTON, M."Eurocode 7 – Geotechnical Design part 1 - General design Rules, what happens now?" En: Frac. Institution of Civil Engineers, Geotechnical Engineering, 125, jan, 1997. pp. 55-59.
BERDUGO, I.R. Manual de diseño geotécnico de cimentaciones, parte I – consideraciones generales de diseño. Centro Editorial Javeriano. Bogotá,2000.
BRIAUD, M.J. Y TUCKER, L. "Measured and Predicted Axial Response of 98 piles". En: Joumal of Geotechnical Engineering - ASCE, 114 (9), 1998, pp. 984-1001.
GCG. Key Features ofENV 1997-1. 1998. pp. 1-2.
CUR. Building on Soft Soils. Rotterdam: A. A. Balkema, 1996.
FRANK, R. "Some Comparisons of Safety for Axially loaded Piles". En: Prac. Conf. Design of Axially loaded Piles. Roterdam: A. A. Balkema, 1997. pp. 39-46. ISBN 90 5410 873 8.
JARDINE, R.J., Christoulas, S. "Recent Developments in defining and measuring static Piling Parameters". En: Proc.Conf. Fondations Profondes. Presse dé L'ENPC. Paris: 1991. pp. 713-745.
Lo, S. -C. R., Li, K,S., CAMERON, T. "The Assessment of Characteristic Pile Resistence in Limit State Design". En: Frac. Institution of Civil Engineers, Geotechnical Engineering, 119, oct, 1996. pp. 193-201. ISSN 13532618.
SIMPSON, B.,THOMPSON, R. ,FINDLAY, J., BOLTON, M."Eurocode 7 – Geotechnical Design part 1 - General design Rules, what happens now?" En: Frac. Institution of Civil Engineers, Geotechnical Engineering, 125, jan, 1997. pp. 55-59.
How to Cite
Berdugo De Moya, I. R. (2001). Determinación de la capacidad de carga axial característica en el análisis del estado límite de falla la de pilotes. Ingeniería Y Universidad, 5(1-2), 8–16. Retrieved from
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