Interacción hombre-máquina usando gestos manuales en texto real
In this paper we present the development of an electronic system able to recognize, in real time, a set of twelve manual gestures carried out by a person with one of his hands in a controlled illumination and background scene. The implemented system shows rotational, translational and scale change robustness. The system is intended to evaluation platform ADSP Blackfin 533 Ez Kit Lite. As a final step, in the Blackfin’s platform, we propose a view option in a display of the associated letter to the recognized gesture. In the personal computer we present an illustration tool intended to show the results in different steps of the proposed algorithm. We obtained an efficient system for human machine interaction and future applications intended to enable the interaction of deaf and mute people with the population in general.
reconocimiento e interpretación de imágenes, interacción hombre-máquina en tiempo real, procesador Blackfin 533recognition and interpretation of images, humanmachine interaction in real time, Blackfin 533 processor
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