Simulation model for the production of traditional roof slabs in southeastern Mexico
This article presents the process for making a mathematical model for the production of traditional roof slabs, as used in southeastern Mexico. This type of slab is the one most frequently used in large-scale affordable housing construction in this region; thus, the study of the process involved in its production is of great interest and importance, in case it should be compared with other types of construction methods. The job sampling technique was used to identify the stages of the process and their durations. A comparative table of durations was obtained and an analysis of factors under different probability distributions was performed. For each operation in the production process, the probability distribution most adequate for the population was chosen. Finally, a graphical model of operations was made using EzStrobe©. It was concluded that the large number of activities involved in this method makes its representation difficult. However, a representation of the process can be formulated for simulation purposes.
Vigas de celosía, losas, simulación por computadores, materiales de construcciónTrusses, slabs, computer simulation, building materials
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