Published Oct 26, 2010

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Jorge Alejandro Sosa-Canto

Julio Rodrigo Baeza-Pereyra

Carlos Enrique Arcudia-Abad



The constant development in the construction industry demands the continuous study of new constructive alternatives to allow the most efficient and effective use of the resources. The present work is aimed to elaborating graphical models for operation processes in manufacturing of the L-18 precast slab system. The activities of this construction system were observed and analyzed and grouped in individual processes, which were the basis to elaborate a simulation model. The activities registered for the creation of this model were solely based on the assembly operations. The characteristics of the observed project that used this system are described and taken into account for the simulation of the construction system.


construcción industrializada, simulación por computador, simulación por computadores digitales, proceso constructivoindustrialized building, computer simulation, digital computer simulation, constructive process

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How to Cite
Sosa-Canto, J. A., Baeza-Pereyra, J. R., & Arcudia-Abad, C. E. . (2010). Computer simulation model for the construction process of prefab flagstone L-18. Ingeniería Y Universidad, 11(1). Retrieved from