Published Oct 26, 2010

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Rómel Solís-Carcaño

Carlos Enrique Arcudia-Abad

Carlos Campos-Castro



This paper presents the results of a study about the safety and health conditions that were observed in the construction site of an important housing development located in Southeast Mexico. The methodology was based on the observation of constructive processes and site general conditions, in order to identify possible unsafe construction practices and not healthy working conditions. The results showed the presence of a varied frequent risk factors. The legal frame was also analyzed, and according to the data, the firm was making many omissions in providing safety and health conditions to workers.


Construction projects, industrial safety, occupational healthproyectos de construcción, seguridad industrial, salud ocupacional

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How to Cite
Solís-Carcaño, R., Arcudia-Abad, C. E. ., & Campos-Castro, C. (2010). Seguridad y salud en la construcción masiva de vivienda en México: caso de estudio. Ingeniería Y Universidad, 10(2). Retrieved from