Published Mar 30, 2009

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Tania Chanagá-Quiroz

Sonia Giraldo-Duarte

Luis Almanza-Pubiano



The specific effects of varying the zeolite/matrix ratio in the fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) and the catalyst effects on activity and selectivity for light cycle oil (LCO) yield from the cracking of feedstocks of different physicochemical characteristics , were studied using a microactivity test (MAT) and two feedstocks, aliphatic and naphthenic. With a naphthenic feedstock, highest conversions, gasoline, LCO, dry gas and LPG yields are obtained by increasing zeolite/matrix ratio. Diminishment in slurry yield and in the quality of LCO due to the content of aromatics in LCO are also obtained. With aliphatic feedstock conversions, dry gas, LPG, gasoline and coke yields are improved; LCO and slurry yields are decreased with the increased use of zeolite in the catalyst. The quality of LCO is improved with aliphatic feedstocks; however, zeolite produced a negative effect on this quality.


Zeolites, catalysts, light cycle oilZeolitas, catalizadores, aceite liviano de ciclo

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How to Cite
Chanagá-Quiroz, T., Giraldo-Duarte, S., & Almanza-Pubiano, L. (2009). Modification of the zeolite-matrix ratio in FCC catalysts and its impact on yields and quality of middle distillates. Ingeniería Y Universidad, 13(1). Retrieved from