Published Mar 15, 2011


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Patricia Torres-Lozada, PhD



When the content of biodegradable organic-material in leachates is high, biological treatment is viable. However, high levels of nitrogen and other refractory compounds may be inhibitory or toxic. A leachate management strategy has been the leachate mixture with domestic sewage (DS) to anaerobic treatment for its simplicity and lower operating costs. The preliminary evaluation of the UASB reactor in bench scale, treating DS (R1), compared with two reactors with pH-adjustment and treating mixtures of leachate and DS in volumetric proportions of 5% (R2) and 10% (R3), showed that R1 and R2 operating with 8 hours of hydraulic retention time – HRT, achieved average removal efficiencies of 66% and 73% to COD and 90% and 84% to TSS respectively. In R3, the optimal HRT was higher (10 hours) and COD and TSS removal efficiencies were lower (61%). The results confirm the combined-treatment feasibility with DS and leachate in rates up to 10%. However, the 10% increase in leachate proportion affected mostly the performance of the reactor treating DS exclusively


Leachate, domestic sewage, anaerobic combined treatmentLixiviados, agua residual doméstica, tratamiento anaerobio combinado

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How to Cite
Torres-Lozada, P. (2011). Impact of leachate incorporation on an anaerobic reactor startup in domestic sewage treatment. Ingenieria Y Universidad, 14(2), 313.

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