Published Mar 16, 2012


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Andrés Felipe Rojas-González, PhD

Óscar Chaparro-Anaya, PhD

Carlos Andrés Ospina, BSc



This article shows the effect of three different biodiesel blended with diesel on the operation of an electric power plant by simulating power consumption in a small house. Three different loads were tested in the plant in order to evaluate specific fuel consumption (SFC), and gaseous emissions (CO, CO2, O2 and others gases). It used castor oil biodiesel (CO), as well as frying oil (UFO) and palm oil (P), mixed up with diesel in a ratio of 1:4 (B20), in binary and tertiary blends of biodiesel. It was found that the SFC of the motor is directly proportional to the load it receives, while the internal combustion engine is independent from the load imposed on the power plant. Nevertheless, it depends on the kind of fuel used. The mix of fuels that was able to minimize the SFC and the gaseous mixture was D80/P10/UFO10.


Diesel fuels, electric power, electric power consumption, organic conductorsCombustibles diésel, energía eléctrica, consumo de energía eléctrica, conductores orgánicos

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How to Cite
Rojas-González, A. F., Chaparro-Anaya, Óscar, & Ospina, C. A. (2012). Assessment of biodiesel-diesel blends for producing electric energy. Ingenieria Y Universidad, 15(2).