Effects of the Oxygen/Carbon Atomic Relation in Carbon on the Reactivity in Char Combustion
This paper shows the effect of the Oxygen/Carbon atomic relation (O/C) in carbon on combustion reactivity using the char of three bituminous carbons. Chars were obtained at heating speeds of 104 K/s, temperatures of 900, 1000 and1100 °C, and at three residence times (100, 150 and 300 ms). Maximum combustion reactivity was determined through isothermal thermogravimetric analysis. Results show that the maximum reactivity of chars increases with the reduction of residence time and devolatilization temperature. There is a linear relation between the char’s maximum reactivity and the O/C atomic relation of the precursor carbon, which indicates that the increase in the amount of oxygen contained in the precursor carbon of the chars generates a significant increase in the reactivity of the chars.
O/C atomic relation, maximum reactivity, char, pulverized carbon, combustionRelación atómica O/C, reactividad máxima, carbonizados, carbón pulverizado, combustión.
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