Published Oct 26, 2010

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Alfonso Amézquita

Edgar Eduardo Muñoz-Díaz

José Quintero

Miguel Forero



Accordingly with Colombian seismic hazard studies, Bogotá D.C. is located in an intermediate hazard seismic zone. The law establishes the evaluation of the seismic structures vulnerability in buildings in which it use is classified as indispensable for public service facilities, built before 1998 and located in areas of high and intermediate seismic activity. On the other side, in the Micro-Zonation Study of Bogotá the hospital facility in study, is located in a zone with ground acceleration of 0.75g (Hazard seismic zone 2 of the Micro-Zonation). There are hospital’s structures that were designed and builded in the early 1950’s without considering detailed structural seismic resistance. For these reason it is probable that structural and not structural elements of this structures would not be able to withstand the solicitations induced by an earthquake of some importance. This paper resumes the methodology followed in the study of the seismic vulnerability of a hospitaly structures, following by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA-310). It is estimated the expected damagein the structural elements of this building’s type based on the local threat. It is very common to find in most of this buildings, structural systems as the waffle construction that is highly vulnerable.


amenaza sísmica, vulnerabilidad, microzonificación, reticular celulado, aceleración, rigidez, pushoverSeismic hazard, vulnerability, Micro-Zonation, waffle construction, acceleration, rigidity, pushover

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How to Cite
Amézquita, A., Muñoz-Díaz, E. E., Quintero, J., & Forero, M. (2010). Estudio de la vulnerabilidad sísmica estructural de una edificación tipo hospital. Ingenieria Y Universidad, 8(1). Retrieved from

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