Bebida milenaria tradicional de la parroquia Sancán y su transcendencia para ser considerada como patrimonio cultural intangible
Introduction the inhabitants of the various indigenous communities in Ecuador have left a deep mark on many of the aspects studied in the country, such is the case of culture, language, ancestral traditions, religion as well as gastronomy. This is why corn chicha is a product cataloged as a traditional drink of the Sancan parish that, due to its characteristics of the region, has been considered a pillar in the gastronomy of Ecuador, in such a way that its importance can be the engine for it to be consider it intangible cultural heritage. Objective Describe the distinctive elements of the millenary drink, corn chicha, as well as its manufacture so that it becomes part of the intangible cultural heritage of the Sancán parish of the Jipijapa canton. Methodology The research was developed within the quantitative paradigm with a descriptive character, a dichotomous instrument of six (6) questions to a sample of eight (8) participants of the project for the study of the ancient drink corn chicha, who have extensively investigated the referred topic and the region. Results The team members responded assertively to the factors related to the development of the corn chicha drink, demonstrating that they know the artisanal manufacture, the ingredients that the product has for its elaboration, as well as the criteria for the elaboration and commercialization to be attached to the established legal norms.
drinks, corn, heritage, culture, gastronomybebidas, maíz, patrimonio, cultura, gastronomía
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