Published Dec 10, 2017


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Carlos Eduardo Nieto Nieto

Yenny Andrea Real



This article deals with the patrimonial dimension of the railroad known as the La Dorada railroad, based on two basic aspects: the first one deals with the recognition of the construction of the railway as a complex territorial system; and the second, the contrast deals with the current state of the specialized-function elements along the 111 km long line, mainly in terms of architecture and engineering. For this purpose, the analysis of the La Dorada railroad as a heritage unit starts at the compilation and analysis of the historical conformation process of this line, and proceeds to the definition of the constituent elements of the system. Then, we carry out a tour and record of the current state of the most important elements defined, to conclude with some notes on articulation needs for its preservation


Patrimônio ferroviário, patrimônio industrial, território, paisagem ferroviária, inventáriosRailroad heritage, industrial heritage, territory, railroad landscape, inventoriespatrimonio ferroviario, patrimonio industrial, territorio, paisaje cultural, inventarios

How to Cite
Nieto, C. E. N., & Real, Y. A. (2017). The Dorada Railway: Configuration, disarticulation and ruptures. Apuntes: Revista De Estudios Sobre Patrimonio Cultural, 30(1).