Published Apr 10, 2018


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Natalie Rodríguez Echeverry



The following article emerges from a reflection about the relation between the immovable cultural heritage and local communities, and addresses to ponder other ways of approach regarding the tangible cultural heritage from an inclusive and participatory perspective that responds to the characteristics and conditions of local population and its territory; meditation that revolves around the specific case of Colombian context. It focuses then in that heritage conception alluded at a hegemonic discourse, from which immovable cultural properties have been identified, imposed and inducted from “outside”, which not always results from a reflective exercise nor based in the dialogue with communities, in what concerns about the meaning and what it represents locally. This speech poses that heritage ends up by detaching from the relations with territories of implantation of immovable properties, and this decontextualization is evidenced in the practices associated to the properties, ending up generating non appropriate, interiorized or secured heritage, and in many cases derives in its invisibility, destruction and disappearance.


immovable heritage, space, territory, powerpatrimonio inmueble, espacio, territorio, poder

How to Cite
Rodríguez Echeverry, N. (2018). Agreements and Disagreements of Knowledge and Expertise in Cultural Property Heritage. Reflections of the Colombian Context. Apuntes: Revista De Estudios Sobre Patrimonio Cultural, 30(1).