Published Dec 30, 2020


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Juliane Angie Müller Seborga



Calcha is a polysemic term that can refer to the town of Nuestra Señora de Calcha, as well as to the Indigenous Municipal District of the same name or to the ethnic group. The town and the ethnic group are located in the Indigenous Municipal District of Calcha, in Vitichi’s Municipality, Nor Chichas province of the department of Potosí. The municipal government with the original authorities promulgated in 2017 the Municipal Law N° 020 on the declaration cultural heritage, material and intangible, of the Calcheño and Calcheño culture [sic] where clothing, instruments, music and festivals are recognized as cultural heritage.

The analysis of this asset activation process, between 2017 and 2018, allows us to visualize three correlated dimensions that exist with respect to heritage in general: economy, identity and politics. Inherent in any patrimonial activation is the political dimension, which begins when cultural expressions are extracted from their context; an action carried out by different groups involved in such a way that cultural expression takes on different meanings and uses.

Within the political dimension of heritage is the territorial reconfiguration of Calcha in the collective imagination of its inhabitants and authorities. Since 2002, the Jatun Ayllu or great ayllu of Calcha appears and includes five districts of the Municipality of Vitichi. Theoretically, this great ayllu belongs to the Chichas Nation, a pre-Columbian nation that is presumed to occupy part of the territory of the current provinces of Sud Chichas and Nor Chichas. The Chichas Nation reappears on the national stage as a discourse of continuity and vindication of the pre-Columbian populates. This nation form an important part of the laws of declaration of heritage of the Calchean culture, which rests on the idealized past of a nation and a great ayllu (re) recently built from a cultural heritage that they consider "ancestral."

Within this political dimension, we believe that the property declaration has the function of: 1) providing visibility and representativeness to the ethnic group at regional and national level. 2) Legitimize at regional and national level the existence of the territories of Jatun Ayllu de Calcha and Chichas Nation. All this allows us to reflect on the motivations that exist behind a heritage activation and its possible consequences, as well as analyzing the relationship between declared cultural expressions and the historical past, and the mutual influence of heritage with territorial construction.

Keywords: Cultural heritage, territory, politics, Bolivia, Anthropology

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How to Cite
Müller Seborga, J. A. (2020). Relación entre patrimonio, política y territorio en el caso de Calcha (Potosí, Bolivia). Apuntes: Revista De Estudios Sobre Patrimonio Cultural, 33.