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Carlos Eduardo Nieto


The railway in Colombia was developed as a basic strategy for the creation of a diverse but unified, looking forward to travelits own path to modernity. This trip marked, in the territories crossed, finger very strong in the collective memory of the nation.Exalting this condition, we performed a revaluation exercise of some of its most evident, as are the buildings of the passengerstations, some locomotives and engineering works associated with its history, but no progress towards developing a “nationalrailway heritage, with a more comprehensive and inclusive. Given the apparent variety and complexity of the traces and marksin the territories he related, the railway system is defined from the relations between its components, which structured theconcept of Heritage Railway. The article proposes and supports the transition from patrimonial vision of the architecture of theheritage railway stations in Colombia.

Patrimonio ferroviario, Patrimonio industrial, Valoración, Territorio, Ferrocarril, Identidad.Tradição ferroviária, património industrial, Avaliação, Planejamento, Rail, IdentidadeRailway heritage, Industrial heritage, Territory, Rail, Identity.

How to Cite
Nieto, C. E. (2011). The Railway in Colombia and the Pursuit of a Country. Apuntes: Revista De Estudios Sobre Patrimonio Cultural, 24(1). Retrieved from