Published Dec 31, 2019


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Norma Patricia Figueroa Fernández

Maikel Hermida Rojas

Anitza Domínguez Sánchez

Irma Irene Zorrilla Martínez

Yaneth Yadira Valenzuela Ontiveros

Federico Rivera Luna



Background: Oral diseases in patients with disabilities involve complex processes in both attention and communication, so dental treatment under general anesthesia is an excellent option. Purpose: To describe the experiences in dental care under general anesthesia to patients with mental and psychomotor disabilities registered in the clinics of the Faculty of Dentistry Mexicali (FOM). Methods: Observational, analytical, cross-sectional study on aspects of dental care, with data available in clinical records of all patients operated under general anesthesia, in the FOM operating room, during 2016 and 2017, the data were emptied for analysis and description in the statistical package STATA12. Results: The sample was conformed by 38 cases, the masculine sex prevailed over the feminine one (68% vs 32%). The mean age was 15.71 ± 8.75 years, dental caries was the need for more frequent care, followed by dentoalveolar trauma, and periodontal disease. In the bivariate analysis, a significant association was found between complications and the duration of the procedure with X2 = 7.05 and a value of p = 0.029. Conclusion: Psychomotor disability predominated, with a greater incidence in children under 10 years of age and in the male sex. All patients had dental caries, which was accompanied by dentoalveolar fracture in more than a third of the cases, so there was a high need for surgical treatments. The frequency of complications derived from general anesthesia were few and were associated with the time of exposure to general anesthesia.


dental care for people with disabilities, dentistry, health of people with disabilities, health services for people with disabilities, intellectual disability, oral health, people with disabilities, people with mental disabilitiesatención dental para personas con discapacidad, discapacidad, discapacidad intelectual, personas con discapacidad, odontología, salud oral, personas con discapacidad mental, salud de personas con discapacidad, servicios de salud para personas con discapacidadassistência odontológica a pessoas com deficiencia, deficiência intelectual, incapacidade, odontología, saúde bucal, pessoas com deficiencia, pessoas com deficiência mental, saúde das pessoas com deficiencia, serviços de saúde para pessoas com deficiência, saúde das pessoas com deficiência

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How to Cite
Figueroa Fernández, N. P., Hermida Rojas, M., Domínguez Sánchez, A., Zorrilla Martínez, I. I., Valenzuela Ontiveros, Y. Y., & Rivera Luna, F. (2019). Dental Care to Patients with Mental and Psychomotor Disabilities at Mexicali’s Dental School. Universitas Odontologica, 38(81).
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