Published Dec 31, 2019


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Mónica Liliana Cárdenas Lancheros

Marcell Ocampo Anjellis

Isabel Cristina Mendoza González

Edith del Carmen Hernández Rojas



Background: In the city of Bogotá, Colombia, Foundation Fé carries out social work with people with disabilities. There, dental students from the San Martín University Foundation develop preventive activities in oral health. Objective: To describe a preventive intervention by dental students to a patient with cerebral palsy (CP) and their caregivers. Case description: It was an institutionalized patient with CP who had dental caries, periodontal disease, malocclusion, and sialorrhea. The students developed oral health preventive and care activities with the patients’ caregivers. The activities consisted of instructing them on how to use mouth openers or bite plugs, how to use oral hygiene implements such as fluoridated toothpaste, toothbrush, dental floss, and threaders and how to apply mouthwash with gauze. Conclusions: This instructional and preventive activity was beneficial for caregivers by indicating good oral hygiene practices for the patient. It was also beneficial for the training of dental students with regard to preventive and educational emphasis on neediest populations. They gained in proactivity and awareness about the social work that professionals can carry out with these populations.


dental student, dentistry, disability, educational practice, oral health, oral health education, preventive dentistrydiscapacidad, educación en salud bucal, estudiante de odontología, odontología, odontología preventiva, práctica educativa, salud bucaleducação em saúde bucal, estudante de odontologia, incapacidade, odontologia, odontologia preventiva, prática educacional, saúde bucal

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How to Cite
Cárdenas Lancheros, M. L., Ocampo Anjellis, M., Mendoza González, I. C., & Hernández Rojas, E. del C. (2019). Preventive Care by Dental Students of an Patient with Cerebral Palsy. Case Report. Universitas Odontologica, 38(81).
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