Published Sep 15, 2010


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Carlos del Valle Rojas

Leslie Vásquez Troncoso

Marianela Denegri Coria

Jocelyne Sepúlveda Aravena



This study seeks to identify the uses and meanings held by school-attending tweens (11 to 12 years of age) concerning tv advertising. During the quantitative phase, the questionnaire titled ‘Habits related to the consumption of television and practices in the use of money’ was given to a sample group of 137 schoolchildren, 28 of them coming come from an upper socio-economic level, 62 from a middle socio-economic level, and 47 to the low socio-economic level. During the qualitative phase, an in-depth interview was carried out with 30 schoolchildren from the sample. Results show the existence of meaningful differences based on gender and socioeconomic level. This makes it possible to hipothesize that these variables have an influence on uses, opinions and perceptions held by tweens concerning publicity.


Tweens, Publicity, Meanings.Tweens, Publicidad, Significados.Tweens, Publicidade, Significados.

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How to Cite
del Valle Rojas, C., Vásquez Troncoso, L., Denegri Coria, M., & Sepúlveda Aravena, J. (2010). Viewpoints by Chilean Tweens Concerning tv Advertising. Signo Y Pensamiento, 29(57), 418–429.