Published Apr 15, 2007

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Luis Fernando Marín Ardila


The article claims the importance of the notion of Paradigm and the knowledge or reflection on the paradigms that we reproduce when guiding our vital action and our understanding of the different facets of the existence. We denominate paradigmatología to the study of the paradigms like logic, semantics and ideological of the knowledge and the practice. Two authors converge to nurture this theoretical domain: Thomas S. Kuhn and Edgar Morin, each one from different perspectives has opened a thought horizon that promotes the debate on the knowledge, their structuring, their history and their incorporation in the academic life and in the investigative production. The paradigms are species of glasses or lanterns that make us visible and audible some phenomena and they hide or they leave on an unconscious trasfondo others. The article concludes with the illustration of a prevailing paradigm in the educational and pedagogic practice that possesses a such power that you has you “naturalized”; it is the paradigm transmisionista of the education in which one conceives and one lives to the language like an instrument, to the knowledge like a representation and to the pedagogy like transmission.

paradigm, paradigm crisis, prevailing paradigm, image, complexity.paradigma, crisis de paradigma, paradigma imperante, imagen, complejidad

How to Cite
Marín Ardila, L. F. (2007). The Notion of Paradigm. Signo Y Pensamiento, 25(50), 34–45. Retrieved from