Published Apr 15, 2009

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Sergio Roncallo Dow



The purpose of this text is to make an initial outline in order to attempt a new reading of the notion of media in Marshall McLuhan’s thinking. The idea is to separate the notion of the classic readings immediately associated with the notion of “mass media” and start a new search that allows for a deeper and wider understanding of media within McLuhan´s work, closer to phenomenology, hermeneutics, and the philosophy of technology.


McLuhan, Media, Phenomenology, Philosophy of technologyMcLuhan, Medio, Fenomenología, Filosofía de la tecnologíaMcLuhan, Meio, Fenomenologia, Filosofia da tecnologia

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How to Cite
Roncallo Dow, S. (2009). Re-reading Marshall McLuhan’s Notion of Media. Signo Y Pensamiento, 28(54), 362–368. Retrieved from
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