Published Apr 15, 2009

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Liliana González



Book review: Gerbault, Jeannine (éds.). 2007. La langue du cyberespace : de la diversité aux normes. Paris : L’Harmattan. ISBN : 978-2-296-04622-1.



Today, communication through language takes place in a new place, cyberspace. New communication tools are emerging, new language practices are appearing and covering multiple realities. Email, forums, blogs or sms become common modes of communication. Communication mediated by information and communication technologies (CMT) includes, in addition to the computer, other tools, especially those that rely on the mobile phone.


The changes brought about by these "new technologies" have transformed the panorama for all the actors of the communication. Indeed, the content continues to be conveyed by the language beyond the tools and devices deployed, and the cmt gives rise to linguistic and social changes that can not escape us, raising new questions; these changes have changed the areas of research of language specialists as well as those of communication specialists.


Cyberspace, New technologies, DiversityCyberespace, Nouvelles technologies, DiversitéCiberespaço, Novas tecnologias, DiversidadeCiberespacio, Nuevas tecnologías, Diversidad

Gerbault, J. (ed.). (2007). La langue du cyberespace : de la diversité aux normes. Paris : L’Harmattan.
How to Cite
González, L. (2009). Cyberspace: diversity, places of discourse and norms. Signo Y Pensamiento, 28(54), 389–391. Retrieved from
Book Reviews