Published Dec 30, 2021


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Jorge González Jácome

Antonio Barreto Rozo



This research article analyzes a relevant case of the Colombian Supreme Court decided in 1958 declaring that the state had to compensate damages for events in 1949, at the beginning of the era of “La Violencia.” Using some tools of the law and literature movement, the article offers a path to read judicial decisions that focus more on how judges reconstruct a conflictive past than on the specific valid legal rules they declare and use. The article stresses that the Supreme Court chose to narrate the history of the recent violence of 1949 without committing to a definitive interpretation about issues that political actors still disputed. The decision and its narrative option show that law and its sources are not only spaces that bring closure to the past but also sites of contradiction, plural narratives, and indecision.


State liability, Law and Literature, La Violencia, Case LawResponsabilidad del Estado, Derecho y Literatura, La Violencia, Jurisprudencia

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How to Cite
González Jácome, J., & Barreto Rozo, A. (2021). State Liability and Judicial Narratives: the 1949 Arson in Rionegro. Vniversitas, 70, 1–18.