Published Jul 24, 2014


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Adalberto Amaya A.



One of the major problems facing teachers today from the educational curricular revolution centered in competencies corresponds to the difficulty that has risen in education to adapt the term competence. It is necessary to clarify the concept from an academic and professional perspective, to analyze the elements that characterize the distinction of the term competence and its differentiation with the previous curriculum trends centered in objective and content s. Initially we analyze the grammatical inconveniences that favored the confusion of terminology then through a teaching strategy we construct an analysis regarding the differences between competence and skills, from an analogy using an example of blocking vehicular traffic.


Competences, goals, skills, competencias, objetivos, habilidades,

1. Kern D. Curriculum development for medical education: A six steps approach. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press; 1998.
2. Vargas F. La formación de competencias: una acción para mejorar la capacitación. Bogotá: ANDI; 1999.
3. Tobón S. Formación basada en competencias. 2a ed. Bogotá: Ecoe; 2006.
How to Cite
Amaya A., A. (2014). Competencies, Objectives and Skills: How Understand Conceptual Differences? An Analogy Using an Example Blocking Vehicular Traffic. Universitas Medica, 55(4), 424–435.
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