Published Nov 13, 2020


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July Vianneth Vianneth Torres González

Juan David Botero Bahamon

Carlos Andrés Celis Preciado

María José Fernández Sánchez

Claudio Villaquirán Torres

Olga Milena García Morales

Ivan Solarte Rodríguez

Patricia Hidalgo Martínez

Mary Bermudez



SARS-CoV2 / COVID19 infection has brought great challenges for health personnel during 2020. Learn about the behavior of the virus, the pathophysiology of the disease, lung involvement and its progression to respiratory distress syndrome or ARDS, in addition to pharmacological interventions and mortality have represented a scientific challenge in specialized care centers. However, despite the progress that has been made in acute infection, little is known about the potential sequelae after mild, moderate, or severe SARS-CoV2 infection, including the possible fibrosing involvement of the lung parenchyma, which according to the experience on infections by other coronaviruses (SARS and MERS) and other causes of ARDS, it can be one of the most severe complications and with the greatest impact on the quality of life and functionality of people, once the infection is over. In this document, we present a review of the available evidence on the development of fibrosing-type interstitial lung disease associated with Covid-19 infection,  possible pathophysiological mechanisms, imaging findings, and the management plan proposed so far, especially in terms of comprehensive rehabilitation of these patients.


Pulmonary fibrosis, SARS-Cov2, Covid 19, Pulmonary RehabilitationFibrosis pulmonar, SARS-Cov2, Covid 19, Rehabilitación Pulmonar

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How to Cite
Torres González, J. V. V., Botero Bahamon, J. D., Celis Preciado, C. A., Fernández Sánchez, M. J., Villaquirán Torres, C., García Morales, O. M., Solarte Rodríguez, I., Hidalgo Martínez, P., & Bermudez, M. (2020). Pulmonary Fibrosis in SARS-CoV2 Infection. What we Know? What we could Expect?. Universitas Medica, 61(4).

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