Publication ethics and malpractice statement

Declaration of Ethics and good scientific and editorial practices

This journal is governed by good scientific and editorial practices by international standards published by the Committee on Ethics in Publication COPE, the policies of the World Association of Medical editors WAME and the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors ICMJE in order to guarantee transparency both in the process of publication of contributions and in the associated dispute resolution procedures.

The editorial team of this scientific journal will ensure that all parties (editors, peer reviewers and authors) fully follow these ethical standards throughout the editorial process.

For each one of the actors in the process, the following principles and guidelines are accepted:


Regarding aspects related to authorship, plagiarism, duplicate or fragmented publications and resolution of conflicts, the recommendations of COPE, WAME and ICMJE are followed.

Experimentation with humans must have the project approved by the medical ethics committee and with the respective forms of informed consent following the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki

Regarding clinical trials, the policies of the WAME and ICMJE recommendations must be followed

Experimentation with animals declare to have the protocol approved by the institutional committee of care and use of animals and give the name of the regulation that is followed for the experimentation for example: Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, 8th Edition

Peer reviewers must

  • Declare conflict of interest or inabilities
  • Strictly follow the policies of the journal’s evaluation process
  • Respond to requests and submitting evaluations on time
  • Making a solid, structured and methodical evaluation as expected from the expertise of the reviewer
  • Respect privacy and confidentiality

For a detailed account of the ethical guidelines for peer reviewers, please access the following link.


  • Ensuring article submissions and evaluation process correctness
  • Granting the objective interlocution and confidentiality of the parties involved in the editorial process
  • Promptly and respectfully responding inquiries and communications
  • Guaranteeing compliance of the scientific and editorial processes with the international ethic, research and publishing standards

The entire set of standards can be accessed in the Cope Code of conduct and best practice guidelines for journal editors