An Artist + a Woman Who Poses + a Table + a Screen + a Grid or Two Cuts in the Substance of the World
This article proposes to unveil the anthropic axis of the western hegemonic gaze to understand how it operates and how it generates such a point of view. The objectives of such deconstruction have to do with analyzing what this anthropic axis shows and what it does not and, thus, learn more about the image, its creator, and its observer. It also aims to present the possibilities of establishing another apparatus that allows you to see someone else, to remove the human from the middle of the perceptual coordinates and to understand the human as a living being among living beings, whose lives deserve to be lived. It is important to establish that one of the ways in which the discourse of human exceptionality was constructed underwent the construction of the perceptual cube, a viewing apparatus that structures the ways of understanding the world after that invention. This, like every other, is a social apparatus that produces its user and its body. With this, it generates perspective, ways of describing the world, forms of intellection of phenomena; in other words, it builds an episteme or what we call a “gaze”. This article combines epistemological tools from the theory of image, philosophy, art history and visual studies to carry out the understanding of the viewing machine produced by the Renaissance and its manifestations of survival in today’s world.
anthropic axis, metaimage, gaze, ideology, verticality, horizontalityeje antrópico, metaimagen, mirada, ideología, verticalidad, horizontalidadeixo antrópico, meta imagem, olhar, ideologia, verticalidade, horizontalidade
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