Published Jun 30, 2020


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Juan Sebastián Gómez García



This paper is an inter-thematic reflection about the research places in which I found myself when, as a dancer and thinker, I Googled the word “air”; it is also a reflection about the different uses of “air” as a concept and sensation for improvisation in dance. Through air, the reader can travel through a Hayao Miyasaki movie, Hurricane Mitch of 1998, two paintings of sunsets and the physical phenomena of the colors of the sky, and the transmission of sound. The aim of this paper was revealed towards the end of the paper, and it was the intent to share a research process that, using air as an excuse, was able to reach different historical, social and scientific topics that generated inspiration to improvise in my own dance. It also encourages us to reflect on the importance of thinking about air as a political issue, as a historical witness to a life that, in contemporary times, we have insisted on stabbing cruelly as a globalized and capitalist humanity.


air, wind, movement, dance, improvisation, mythology, ecology, geopoliticsaire, viento, movimiento, danza, ecología, geopolítica, mitología, improvisaciónar, vento, movimento, dança, improvisação, mitologia, ecologia, geopolítica

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How to Cite
Gómez García, J. S. (2020). If It Killed Jacinto’s Body, It Will Make Mine Dance. Cuadernos De Música, Artes Visuales Y Artes Escénicas, 15(2), 16–33.