Published Jul 1, 2023


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Ybelice Briceño Linares



This article is the outcome of an ongoing research project that examines the emergence, development, and characteristics of the feminist and women’s movement in Guayaquil, Ecuador. It begins by exploring the movement’s internal composition, its political discourse, and the strategies it has employed to foster forms of articulation. Additionally, it analyzes the repertoires of collective action utilized by the movement, with a particular emphasis on care politics and the recognition of forms of struggle as spaces for connection, bonding, and enjoyment. Lastly, the article focuses on the artistic activism practices developed by the feminist collectives within the movement, arguing that these practices are not merely instrumental uses of artistic languages (such as music, visuals, theater, or performance), but rather pedagogies that advocate for the importance of the sensory and affective dimensions in the realm of politics. The research includes interviews with activists, the collection of textual, graphic, and audiovisual materials from the movement, as well as the analysis of the researcher’s field diary documenting her experiences as an activist.


feminisms, social movments, art and politics, art, politics, activism, political action, feminist artistic political action, feminist artsfeminismos, movimientos sociales, arte y política, arte, política, activismo, acción política artística feminista, artes feministas, acción políticafeminismos, movimentos sociais, arte e política, arte, política, ativismo, ação política, ação política artística feminista, artes feministas

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How to Cite
Briceño Linares, Y. (2023). Political Pedagogies and Artistic Practices in the Feminist Movement of Guayaquil. Cuadernos De Música, Artes Visuales Y Artes Escénicas, 18(2), 84–105.