Published Jul 9, 2022


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Eva Natalia Fernández

Alejandro Vázquez Estrada



In this paper, we reflect on what we know as “non-anthropic approaches,” a category we propose to characterize the initiatives that do not follow the exceptional nature of the human. We suggest that this civilizing and anthropocentric construction that subjugates all beings to the domain and power of human nature must be continuously reviewed and transformed. The itinerary that we propose goes through different moments. First, we will describe what we understand by non-anthropic approaches, which will allow us to analyze and understand, based on two examples: the myths of origin and the interventions linked to bioart, the way in which stories and images are transformed, reconfigured and migrated. Then, through a hermeneutical-visual analysis of the bio-installation titled Deforestation: Unearthing signs at the Museum of Contemporary Art of Lima (MAC Lima), we will trace a path from the elements that make up the installation where oyster mushrooms appear as subjects of minuscule action that can confront the enormous devastation caused by the hegemonic model of the economies of the Western world. Finally, in our closing notes, we will reflect on the possibilities that these non-anthropic approaches have as a way of evidencing the positioning of artists and groups (in space) that mediate for a call to consciousness through artistic practice crossed by an ecopolitical position to resist overexploitation, transgression and usurpation of the land, nature, and the environment.


non-anthropic approaches, bioart, myths, bio-installationaproximaciones des-antrópicas, bioarte, mitos, bioinstalaciónabordagens desantrópicas, bioarte, mitos, bioinstalação

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How to Cite
Fernández, E. N., & Vázquez Estrada, A. . (2022). Non-Anthropic Approaches: Counter-Narratives, Disobedience, and Other Visualities [. Cuadernos De Música, Artes Visuales Y Artes Escénicas, 17(2), 96–111. (Original work published July 1, 2022)