Published Apr 10, 2023


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Angela Vera Ruiz

Luis Alberto Guevara Rojas

Agustín Espinosa Pezzia

Alicia Calderón Prada

Marisol Mego Vasquez

Sofía Ticona Quispe



This study analyzes the work demands and resources present in a governmental entity that has provided pandemic care services, previously being a provider of sports services, to propose a complex analysis model. From a descriptive-correlational methodology, the resources and job demands that affect the performance of workers in the particular context of the health crisis were identified, being organizational support, development opportunities, hope, resilience, and optimism, the organizational and psychological resources that protect them from burnout and/or enhance their engagement, and the demands of role confusion and difficulties at work, which increase the risk of burnout. The results highlight key variables for dealing with critical events in the public sector.


Work demands, work resources, engagement, burnoutDemandas laborales, recursos laborales, engagement, burnoutDemandas de trabalho, recursos de trabalho, engagement, burnout

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How to Cite
Vera Ruiz, A., Guevara Rojas, L. A., Espinosa Pezzia, A., Calderón Prada, A., Mego Vasquez , M., & Ticona Quispe, S. (2023). Analysis of work demands and resources in a Peruvian State organization providing services during the health crisis of COVID-19. Cuadernos De Administración, 36.
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