Published Jun 30, 2015


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Cindy Marleyi Sanabria-Castellanos

Moisés Alberto Suárez-Robles

John Harold Estrada-Montoya



Objective: establishing the relationship between structural socioeconomic determinants, coverage of the health system, and dental caries in twenty countries. Methods: ecologic mixed analysis of secondary data of twenty countries. The inclusion criteria were countries that showed three copvalues (decayed, filled, lost) during the last four decades. The independent variables were: total expenses on health; public sanitation expenses; poverty index; literacy rate in adults; maternal mortality rate; mortality rate in children younger than 5 and life expectancy at birth. Results: Dental caries shows stable scores (cop2.4) from 1990, with a tendency toward lower scores in more developed countries and toward higher scores in less developed ones. Conclusion: the countries were classified in three groups: universalist (best indicators), dualist, and excluding (worse socioeconomic conditions). Dualist and excluding countries did now show any association between the prevalence of caries and socioeconomic determinant factors.



caries dental, salud bucal, sistemas de salud, seguro de salud, países desarrollados, países en desarrollocárie dentária, saúde bucal, sistemas de saúde, seguro de saúde, países desenvolvidos, países em desenvolvimentodental caries, oral health, health systems, health insurance, developed countries, developing countries

How to Cite
Sanabria-Castellanos, C. M., Suárez-Robles, M. A., & Estrada-Montoya, J. H. (2015). Relationship between Socioeconomic Determinants, Health Coverage, and Dental Caries in Twenty Countries. Gerencia Y Políticas De Salud, 14(28).