Instruments to Evaluate Quality Perceived by Health Service Users
Quality is considered as a key factor for the differentiation and excellence of the health ser vices. The way patients perceive the health care ser vice determines conclusively the ser vice quality levels. This work describes some indicators that help to assess the health ser vice quality including effectiveness, opportunity, and adherence indicators. However, the comprehensive evaluation of the quality as perceived in the health ser vices is still a complex matter. A search was conducted in the databases Medline, Embase, OVID, Lilacs, Ebsco, Scielo and the Cochrane Library in order to identif y those instruments, either qualitative or quantitative, allowing to measure the health ser vice quality as perceived by the patients. Studies were found that validated and applied the scales Ser vqual and Ser vqhos in the hospital environment. Finally, there were some attempts to validate some scales different to these ones, but they were not applied with a signicant statistic rigorousness.
health care quality, quality indicators in health care, quality evaluation of health care, health ser vice evaluation, ser vice evaluation, validation studies.qualidade da atenção de saúde, indicadores de qualidade da atenção de saúde, avaliação da qualidade de atenção de saúde, avaliação de ser viços de saúde, avaliação dos serviços, estudos de validaçãocalidad de la atención de salud, indicadores de calidad de la atención de salud, evaluación de la calidad de atención de salud, evaluación de los ser vicios, estudios de validación
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