Design of an optimal multilayer electromagnetic absorber through spiral algorithm
This article presents a strategy for designing optimal planar electromagnetic absorbers of several layers. The electromagnetic absorbers designed can operate in different frequency ranges. They were optimized by using a well-known spiral optimization algorithm. Results for the case of three, five, seven, and nine layers, showed the advantage of using this algorithm, mainly in terms of fewer adjustable parameters and its great capacity for intensification and diversification. Using Spiral Optimization, electromagnetic absorbers with seven and nine layers were designed for the frequency range between 0.8-5.4 GHz. They achieved a minimum attenuation of –26.13 dB and -25.66 dB, with respective thicknesses of 6.26 mm and 8.64 mm. The seven-layered design performed better tan the nine-layered one. The results obtained were compared to those reported with other global optimization methods.
Electromagnetic absorbers, optimization, spiral optimization, metaheuristic algorithms, Pareto analysis.Absorbedores electromagnéticos, optimización, algoritmo de la espiral, algoritmos metaheurísticos, análisis de Pareto
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