Published Oct 5, 2018


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Claudia Patricia Rivero Márquez

Jorge Enrique Delgado Troncoso

Sandra Cecilia Delgado Troncoso



This editorial analyzes some of the implications of exclusively validating research work and peer-reviewed academic journals through journal evaluation systems (indexes), such as Publindex in Colombia. It recognizes the contribution that these systems have made to improve the quality of publications and articles but emphasizes the need to involve academic communities to determine the value of knowledge and the processes to generate it. It also reflects on the context of dental research, the strategies that Universitas Odontologica has used to fulfill its mission and vision, and its challenges as a small institutional journal in dentistry.


bibliographic indexes, dental journals, indexation, journal evaluation, scientific knowledge, scientific journals, dentistry, epistemology, scientometrics, sociology of scienceconocimiento científico, evaluación de revistas, índices bibliográficos, indización, revistas científicas, revistas odontológicas, odontología, cienciometría, epistemología, sociología de la cienciaíndices bibliográficos, revistas odontológicas, indexação, avaliação de periódicos, conhecimento científico, revistas científicas, odontologia, epistemologia, cientometria, sociologia da ciência

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How to Cite
Rivero Márquez, C. P., Delgado Troncoso, J. E., & Delgado Troncoso, S. C. (2018). The Responsibility of Validating Scientific Knowledge and Promoting Dental Research Education. Universitas Odontologica, 37(78).

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