Published Oct 5, 2018


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Eilien Gisek Tovío Martínez

Martha Cecilia Carmona Lorduy

Antonio José Díaz-Caballero

Jonathan Harris Ricardo

Héctor E. Lanfranchi Tizeira



Background: Potentially malignant disorders (PMD) are clinical oral cavity conditions that pose an increased risk of neoplastic malignization due to exposure to risk factors or genetic alterations. It is necessary to conduct evidence-based reviews of this type of disorders to develop or update adequate clinical practice guidelines. Purpose: Identify, through an integrative review of literature, recent evidence on PMDs in the oral cavity and their malignant transformation, in order to provide diagnostic and treatment recommendations. Methods: A literature search was carried out in the PubMed, Elsevier, SciELO, and EMBASE, using a combination of six descriptors. Results: The initial search showed 1743 titles and the sample, after applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, consisted of 67 articles. The PMDs identified were oral lichen planus, nicotinic palatitis, inverted smoking habit, actinic cheilitis, oral erythroplakia and leukoplakia, and chronic traumatic ulcer. Conclusion: Each type of lesion has a distinctive malignization potential, of which erythroplakia, oral lichen planus erosive variant, and actinic cheilitis pose the highest risk.


erythroplakia, malignization, neoplastic cell transformation, oral leukoplakia, oral lichen planus, precancerous lesions, dentistry, oral medicine, oncology, oral pathology, stomatologyeritroplasia, lesiones precancerosas, leucoplasia oral, liquen plano oral, malignización, transformación celular neoplásica, cancerología, estomatología, odontología, medicina oral, patología oraleritroplasia, malignização, transformação de células neoplásicas, leucoplasia oral, líquen plano oral, lesões pré-cancerosas, odontologia, medicina oral, oncologia, patologia oral, estomatologia

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How to Cite
Tovío Martínez, E. G., Carmona Lorduy, M. C., Díaz-Caballero, A. J., Harris Ricardo, J., & Lanfranchi Tizeira, H. E. (2018). Clinical Expressions of Potentially Malignant Disorders in Oral Cavity. Integrative Review of Literature. Universitas Odontologica, 37(78).
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