Published Oct 29, 2020


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Gloria Cristina Moreno Abello

Laura Catalina Lara Hernández



Background: Dental caries has been studied from multiple perspectives, however, despite the available knowledge, achieving effective measures to prevent its appearance in individuals and communities still seems distant. Purpose: to integrate the conceptual changes in the currently accepted understanding of caries, with scenarios in clinical practice, to support professionals in therapeutic decisions. Method: In this integrative review, PubMed, Cochrane, Science Direct, SciELO, EBSCO were consulted using as keywords: dental caries, model, prevention, ICDAS, risk factors and risk assessment. The objective of each source was verified to allow making the historical journey of the caries concept by identifying central aspects, relating them to the limitations that make the theory not evident in clinical practice. Results: the synthesis of the literature is presented and organized in: evolution of the definition of dental caries from the role of bacteria and its impact on clinical decisions, actions to cover the current definition of dental caries and actions adjusted to the ICCMS model to put into practice. Conclusion: the conceptual changes in dental caries are reflected in current diagnoses and multivariate approaches that are still required to strengthen the analysis and the effective control of risk factors, seeking care centered on the person, based on the relationship between the behavior of the individuals throughout their life and the dynamics of the pathology, which invite the professional to strengthen a preventative approach to control the disease and avoid its disabling sequelae.


CariesCare, cariologia, dieta cariogênica, fatores de risco, odontologia, prevenção de doença, risco de cárie, Sistema Internacional de Detecção e Avaliação de Cárie (ICDAS), ICDAS, saúde bucal, terapia caries dental, CariesCare, cariología, dieta cariogénica, factores de riesgo, International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS), odontología, riesgo de caries, salud oral, terapia, ICDAS, prevención de la enfermedadCariesCare, cariogenic diet, cariology, dental caries, dentistry, International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS), ICDAS, oral health, disease prevention, risk assessment, risk factors, therapy

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How to Cite
Moreno Abello, G. C., & Lara Hernández, L. C. (2020). Dental Caries: from Ecological Plaque to Clinical Decisions. Universitas Odontologica, 39.
Thematic Dossier: Oral Microbiology and Public Health

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