Published Oct 29, 2020


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Fredy Omar Gamboa Jaimes

Dabeiba Adriana García Robayo



We are pleased to present to our readers the thematic dossier Oral Microbiology and Public Health. This dossier is the product of the multidisciplinary interaction of research professors from the Faculty of Dentistry and the Dental Research Center (CIO) of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (PUJ) of Bogotá and reflects in a clear, prominent and pertinent way the academic production that they have had in recent years. The CIO belongs to the PUJ School of Dentistry. It is committed to the generation of knowledge in the areas of basic sciences (microbiology, immunology, genetics, biochemistry and physics), clinical and social related to oral diseases (infectious and non-infectious) and systemic, which contribute to solving public health problems of the Colombian population.


dossiers temáticos, ecosistema oral, carcinoma escamocelular oral, biopelícula, educación preescolar, higiene oral, microbiota oral, enfermedad periodontal, caries dental, S. mutans, P. gingivalis, odontología, salud publica oral, microbiología oraldossiers temáticos, ecossistema oral, carcinoma de células escamosas oral, cárie, biofilme, educação pré escolar, doença periodontal, higiene oral, microbiologia oral, microbiota oral, odontologia, P. gingivalis, S. mutans, saúde pública oralthematic dossiers, oral ecosystem, oral squamous cell carcinoma, biofilm, preschool education, oral hygiene, oral microbiota, periodontal disease, dental caries, S. mutans, P. gingivalis, dentistry, oral public health, oral microbiology

How to Cite
Gamboa Jaimes, F. O., & García Robayo, D. A. (2020). Editorial: Dossier Oral Microbiology and Public Health. Universitas Odontologica, 39.
Thematic Dossier: Oral Microbiology and Public Health

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