Published Dec 31, 2020


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Nidia Roa Gamboa

Gloria Martínez Sandoval

María Isabel Pardo Silva

Sandra Cecilia Delgado Troncoso

Jorge Enrique Delgado Troncoso



Universitas Odontologica presents its second dossier of 2020 on, “Challenges and Alternatives of Latin American Dental Education,” which is the result of a call for manuscript released among different professional and academic networks throughout the region. The dossier includes six articles mainly on use of teaching-and-learning technologies and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on dental education, as well as academic repetition and learning factors.


COVID-19, dental education, dentistry, educational technology, learning, pandemic, teaching, thematic dossiersaprendizaje, COVID-19, dossiers temáticos, educación odontológica, enseñanza, odontología, pandemia, tecnología educativaaprendizagem, COVID-19, dossiês temáticos, educação odontológica, ensino, odontologia, pandemia, tecnologia educativa

How to Cite
Roa Gamboa, N., Martínez Sandoval, G., Pardo Silva, M. I., Delgado Troncoso, S. C., & Delgado Troncoso, J. E. (2020). Editorial. Dossier: Challenges and Alternatives of Latin American Dental Education. Universitas Odontologica, 39.
Dossier: Challenges and Alternatives of Latin American Dental Education

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