Published Apr 15, 2012


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Raúl Fuentes Navarro



This article suggests a discussion about the implications that certain phenomena related to the “Information Society, Communication and Social-Educational Processes” have on university research development. This research topic is being dealt with in the PhD Program in Social and Human Sciences at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Some conceptual, methodological and axiological assumptions are set forth with the purpose of discussing and identifying the academic conditions and strategies shared by different projects aimed at training researchers in social and human sciences and in communication studies in Latin America.


Information society, Information superhighway, Social sciences - methodology - teaching, Knowledge society, University.Sociedade da informação, Autoestrada da informação, Ciências sociais - metodologia - ensino, Sociedade do conhecimento, Universidade.Sociedad de la información, Superautopista de información, Metodología en ciencias sociales − enseñanza, Sociedad del conocimiento, Universidad.

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How to Cite
Fuentes Navarro, R. (2012). Training of researchers in social sciences and humanities: socio agency and structure in the periphery of the knowledge society. Signo Y Pensamiento, 31(60), 62–72.