Published May 20, 2012


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Silvia Franco

Óscar Otero

Juan Carlos Acevedo González

Óscar Zorro Guio

Miguel Berbeo Calderón

Roberto Díaz Orduz

Óscar Feo Lee



Anorexia nervosa is a severe restriction of food intake that can sometimes be associated to purging behaviour. Beyond the difficulty of manteining an addecuate body mass index, people affected by this disease suffer a constant fear of gaining weight, a severe distortion of body image, and a poor introspection of the gravity of the disease. Anorexia is associated with other commorbilities such as depression, anxiety, and personality disorders, which makes anorexia a complex disease with difficulties in treatment. In this article, different cases of three surgery techniques are discussed. The surgery seeks to operate the limbic system and frontostriatal circuit, which are believed to be implied in the body image perception. The results of the reported cases are encouraging and prommess to be a new alternative in the treatment of this chronic disease. However, it is still required more research and the development of new technologies.


Anorexia, bulimia, psychosurgery, limbic system, body image, anorexia, bulimia, sistema límbico, psicocirugía, imagen corporal,

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How to Cite
Franco, S., Otero, Óscar, Acevedo González, J. C., Zorro Guio, Óscar, Berbeo Calderón, M., Díaz Orduz, R., & Feo Lee, Óscar. (2012). Psychosurgery in the Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa. Universitas Medica, 54(3), 369–379.
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