Published Feb 10, 2014


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Alejandra Duarte Vallejo

María Antonieta Londoño Arévalo

Andrés Felipe Rodríguez González

Laura Acosta Izquierdo



Malformations of the inferior vena cava are rare and the absence of the intrahepatic inferior vena cava corresponds to a small percentage of these anomalies. It can be associated with other malformations, but its mayor association is with congenital cardiac abnormalities. It is generally under-diagnosed because most of the cases are asymptomatic and its diagnosis therefore incidental. The most common diagnostic methods to study this entity are computed tomography, angiography or magnetic resonance. The case we report is a patient with interruption of the inferior vena cava with azygos vein continuation.


vena cava inferior/anomalía, vena ácigos/anomalía, anomalías congénitas, Vena cava, abnormalities, azygos vein, congenital,

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How to Cite
Duarte Vallejo, A., Londoño Arévalo, M. A., Rodríguez González, A. F., & Acosta Izquierdo, L. (2014). Vena Cava, Abnormalities, Azygos Vein, Congenital. Case Report. Universitas Medica, 55(1), 86–92.
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