Published Aug 28, 2023


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Andrea Garcia-Lopez

Fernando Girón-Luque

Diego Rosselli



The use of artificial intelligence (AI) and the evident improvement that digital technologies have had in the field of healthcare, force us to ask ourselves two important questions that arise when incorporating AI as an instrument for improving the quality of care. i) Will AI be able to replace doctors?, and ii) What are the ethical considerations of the implementation of AI in the field of healthcare? We conclude that for now, AI does not seem to be able to replace the human being, but it can complement and extend its work. There are three ethical considerations in the use of AI: The patient must be informed of the use of these systems and health professionals must know and learn about the technology to be implemented to ensure that it will bring a benefit to the patient and, finally, applying the basic principles of medical ethics becomes fundamental.


Artificial Intelligence, Physicians, EthicsInteligencia Artificial, Médicos, Ética

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How to Cite
Garcia-Lopez, A., Girón-Luque, F., & Rosselli, D. (2023). The Integration of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Ethical and Implementation Challenges. Universitas Medica, 64(3).
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