Published Jan 19, 2017


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Marcela Arrivillaga-Quintero

Mauricio Pérez-Flórez

Yadira Eugenia Borrero-Ramírez

María Cecilia-Zea

Jorge Holguín-Ruiz

Michael W. Ross



The purpose of this study was to analyze the mortality due to HIV/Aids in Cali, Colombia, in the 1986 – 2012 period, and, from there, understand from a conceptual point of view the related social determinants. We carried out a retrospective observational longitudinal study with a total of 14,192 cases. We found a growing tendency in the mortality rate, particularly starting in 1996. The higher rate for the whole period was seen in 2011. The inequality measure revealed a higher number of deaths in lower and middle social strata, when compared with the high strata. This study provides evidence on the persistent inequalities in the mortality due to HIV/Aids, as an expression of the structural inequalities present in Cali. In Breilh’s perspective, critical social and economic determination processes could have affected mortality, especially in the groups whose social rights have been violated the most.


HIV/Aids, mortality, health inequalities, social inequalityVIH/sida, mortalidad, desigualdades en salud, inequidad socialVIH/sida, mortalidade, desigualdades em saúde, iniquidade social

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How to Cite
Arrivillaga-Quintero, M., Pérez-Flórez, M., Borrero-Ramírez, Y. E., Cecilia-Zea, M., Holguín-Ruiz, J., & Ross, M. W. (2017). What Came First, Inequalities or Inequities? Regarding the Mortality due to HIV/Aids Case in Cali, Colombia (1986-2012). Gerencia Y Políticas De Salud, 15(31).
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