Published Nov 9, 2022


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Fernando Giraldo Piedrahita


Ivan Arroyave

Luz Mery Mejía Ortega



Introduction: Chronic diseases and in particular colorectal cancer (CRC) accrue into a critical life experience, since the disease invades and crumbles the everyday life spheres, as well as the identity of the sufferer and his family.

Objectives: To understand the meanings of the experience of the everyday life, as well as that of the health care received, of those diagnosed with colorectal cancer.

Methods: A phenomenological study was carried out by applying in-depth interviews to twelve individuals diagnosed with CRC. It allowed us to identify sense and meaning units in regard to the experience of living with the disease.

Results: Four thematic categories emerged: 1) The self-recognition of one's own history; 2) the right to health as human dignity axis; 3) the multiple struggles to deal with CRC; and 4) cancer as renaissance towards lifespan comprehensiveness.

Conclusions: Experience of individuals diagnosed with CRC must be considered in the definition, planning and execution of public policies for the control of CRC, as well as to the clinical practice, since all of them cannot vanish of the scene, whereas they are conceiving, witnessing, thinking and making clear those phenomena concerning to the very living of the disease.


Colonic neoplasms, qualitative research, personal narrative, hospital oncology service, developing countries, Colombiapaíses en desarrollo, Cáncer colorrectal, investigación cualitativa, narrativas personales, servicios de oncología, ColombiaCâncer colorretal, pesquisa qualitativa, narrativas pessoais, serviços de oncologia, , países em desenvolvimento, Colômbia

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How to Cite
Giraldo Piedrahita, F., Samuel, Arroyave, I., & Mejía Ortega , L. M. (2022). The experience of living with Colorectal Cancer: Repercussions in the everyday life and in the health care processes in Colombia . Gerencia Y Políticas De Salud, 21, 1–27.