Production scheduling in a collaborative dyadic supply chain
Designing and implementing collaborationstrategies in supply chainscontribute to global and local improvementsof its members. This paperstudies the impact of informationsharing in a dyadic supply chain (onesupplier and one manufacturer), eachone with several available resources toschedule production orders. Variousscheduling rules are proposed underdynamic environment that considersavailable information for decisionmaking.These methods are analyzedusing discrete-event simulation models.An extended experimental study iscarried out on a great number of wellknowninstances from the literature.Some intuitive statements are verifiedthrough the experiments about theimportance of information sharingwithin the whole supply chain. Onegreat contribution of this paper is thequantification of these benefits. Also,the experiments show other resultsthat are not so much intuitive. Forinstance, this paper shows that thereis no significant statistical differencebetween the best scheduling strategiesfor each collaboration scenario.This is mainly due to the fact that itis not always easy to know how andwhat type of information must beconsidered to be shared for the decisionmaking process.
Collaboration, supply chain, scheduling, information sharing, total flow time, total tardiness, simulationColaboración, Cadena logística, Programación de operaciones, Información compartida, Tiempo total de flujo, Tardanza total, Simulación
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