Published Oct 26, 2010

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Jairo Rafael Montoya-Torres



This paper focuses on the analysis of transport strategies in Automated Material Handling Systems (AMHS) for automated manufacturing systems. The problem studied is inspired from an application found in the semiconductor industry. A difference against previous work is that our approach takes into account the unified nature load transport moves that, in the past, have limited the practical usefulness of the results provided. In a unified AMHS, vehicles can travel along the whole network path to deliver loads directly from one machine to another machine (tool-to-tool delivery) without passing by intermediate storage. Since the number of vehicles is limited, an intelligent strategy has to be implemented in order to distribute them so as to optimally satisfy transport requests during the production horizon. The problem is addressed by means of a hierarchical tactical planning-operational control approach using simulation-optimization. At the tactical, vehicles are distributed on the network path by integer linear programming. The tactical solution is then implemented on a detailed simulation model of the factory in order to analyze factory dynamics. Experimental results show the improvement of performance indexes that can be achieved by implementing the proponed procedure.


transporte automatizado, gestión de vehículos, optimización, simulación, fabricación de semiconductoresAutomated transport, vehicle management, optimization, simulation, semiconductor manufacturing

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How to Cite
Montoya-Torres, J. R. (2010). Procedimiento jerárquico basado en optimización y simulación para la gestión de vehículos en sistemas automatizados de manufactura. Ingenieria Y Universidad, 10(1). Retrieved from